Since the COVID-19 shutdown in March, all regularly scheduled onsite Friday makeups were canceled.
We have four available makeup dates which will utilize video conferencing via Zoom meetings. If you wish to participate you will need to enroll/sign up for the class. You will need a device you can use to access the meeting/app/internet with. You will need to log in early and participate in the class, the entire time. All Apprentice and ET rules, regulations, and guidelines apply. Please take advantage of this opportunity. The makeup classes mentioned above are available on ATS now. If you do not have ATS access and would like to enroll please email or call 8585696633 ext. 411.
ET’s: if you have any open absences, that have not been made up by the end of these makeup classes, you will not receive credit for the semester. If you have too many absences (more than four open absences or greater than 14hrs to makeup), unfortunately, we will not be able to give you credit for the semester.